
ACF Website | ACFChefs.org

ACF’s website is one of the most cost-effective ways to market your products.

Stay connected to key decision-makers in the culinary industry through ACF’s website. ACFChefs.org offers numerous opportunities for advertisers and is continually evolving to provide partnerships that deliver maximum advertiser value.

Website Metrics

  • Unique visitors per month: 20,000

  • Pageviews per month: 200,000

Section Pages

Ads placed on a section page will appear throughout the section:

About ACF | Membership | Schools | Certify | Events | Partnership | Resources

Advertising Rates

Primary Section Pages3 Months6 Months12 Months
A: Run of site Skyscraper $1000/month$900/mo$800/mo
B: Homepage Content Block Content with image*$1,250/mo$1,150/mo$1,000/mo

Homepage Content Block Specs:

Homepage content block ads include a heading
(28 characters, not to exceed one line of text in title case)
Description (115 characters, not to exceed three lines of text)
and an image (458x324 pixels).

Run of Site Skyscraper Specs:

250x450 pixels (JPG, with minimum 1-pixel non-white border) and URL 


File Guidelines

  • Nontransparent JPEG required (max 96 DPI)

  • Units designed with a minimum 1-pixel border

  • Interaction with the user can only take place if the mouse is within the advertisement area

  • No ads that require/install plug-ins

Materials Contact:
Megan Lebo | megan.lebo@wearemci.com | 410-584-1907